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Samira Boon


Samira Boon

Textile architect

The Netherlands

Studio Samira Boon is a textile architecture studio based in Amsterdam and Tokyo with a strong focus on creating flexible and dynamic environments. As an expert in the material properties of textiles, Studio Samira Boon advises and collaborates with architects to formulate site-specific solutions. Adaptive and dynamic textiles improve the use and experience of spaces, acoustics, climate regulation and energy efficiency. The studio combines the adaptive and sensory qualities of materials with research into state-of-the-art computerized production techniques. Recent works include the 3D woven Super Folds, Archi Folds and Hortus Bionica: innovative series of textile structures, which bring together technique, science and art. For their development, she collaborated with Tokyo University, the Dutch TextielLab and the Sensor Lab.



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