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Hans Brooymans


Hans Brooymans

Visual artist, photographer

The Netherlands

Once upon a time – after a short period of graphical work for Marie-Claire, Paris – Hans Brooymans worked in the area of commercial photography: studio work, press work, product photography. Editorial work was published in business and consumer magazines and in newspapers. At some point, he made a career move and found himself in IT business, which took him into the arteries of fabulous companies and exciting cities in Europe and the Americas. Today, technology still plays a part in his life, important as a sponsor to allow for work as a visual artist. He has learned to let the expertises co-exist and for him it works out nicely.

In recent years, he promoted other photographers via a gallery. Recently he returned to the roots of his interest in photography: the creation process itself. He shoots from the heart and in the situation as-is. “Everything is pre-destined, including my work”.

Topics you’ll see are often related to infrastructure, time and space. He interpretes their existence and their history, and see what comes out, often framed by research. But it’s not always complicated like that, sometimes a subject is just a subject, present in certain surroundings and available for notion.



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