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Benjamin Pothier


Benjamin Pothier

Explorer, transdisciplinary artist, researcher


An elected fellow international of the Explorers Club (NYC), Dr Benjamin Pothier is an Explorer, transdisciplinary Artist (Sculpture, Photography and film) and Researcher. He holds a PhD from the international research program of the Planetary Collegium ( Plymouth University, UK), and was previously a selected member of the 2018-2019 Euromoonmars campaign of the European Space Agency and ILEWG ( International Lunar Exploration Working Group) in order to help future missions to the Moon. Through his participation to expeditions on remote locations and analog astronaut trainings worldwide, Mr Pothier specializes in the audio-visual documentation of Life experiences in I.C.E [Isolated, Confined and Extreme] environments and their studies. In the framework of the ESA and ILEWG Euromoonmars campaign he participated From Feb 20th to March 6th 2019 as an analog astronaut to a Moon mission simulation in Hawaii, living near a Volcano with a group of five other analog astronauts in theisolated and confined HI-SEAS habitat previously used by NASA for Mars missions trainings . He has participated to expeditions from the driest desert on Earth to the Northernmost human settlement. (experiences include being the commander of a 15 days Moon mission simulation at LunAres station in Poland, testing a NASA/RISD MS-1 astronaut suit on the Grimsvotn volcano in the middle of the icecap in Iceland, 18 days on a boat in the Arctic Ocean, more than a month stay at a research station in the ArcticCircle during the Polar Night, two high altitude experiences at 5500 meters (Nepalese Himalayas) and 5837 meters (Ojos Del Salado, World’s highest Active Volcano, Chile, Atacama desert), location scouting in Lava tubes in Iceland with the European Space Agency, basic analog astronaut training with the Austrian Space Forum, basic arctic survival and safety training in Svalbard, and the participation to a two weeks Moon mission simulation as an analog astronaut at HI-SEAS habitat in Hawaii).



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